Room 105 Netcare Jakaranda Hospital 012 344 4198

Rocket Fuel Complete Booster Supplement Drip

Rocket Fuel Complete Booster Supplement DripROCKET FUEL


The name say it all.

This ideal for someone who is flat and burnt out. It is ideal as the  first booster drip. It can be followed by one of the “lesser”drips such as JET FUEL (NO PRP) or the Power Drip (NO PRP)

INCLUDED Energy making and restorative glutathion orally and N-acetyl-cystine to help your body make more glutathion

Extra boosting drips can be had in between as oral supplements last for a month

NO PRP in extra drips either

As many drips as often as requested

BOOK A DRIP 10 Benefits of supplement drips